2017年4月30日 星期日

Hotel California


2017年2月10日 星期五

When You Believe 兩大女伶的世紀絕響

惠妮休斯頓(Whitney Houston)與瑪麗雅凱莉(Mariah Carey)堪稱二十世紀末的知名黑白名伶,兩位都具備唱將與演繹的實力,同時也都獲獎無數,代表作不知凡幾。這首由知名金獎配樂得主斯蒂芬施瓦茨和漢斯季默(Stephen Schwartz 、Hans Zimmer)作詞作曲,為電影埃及王子而作的主題曲When you believe,由這兩位擔任演唱,實在具有高手過招的比拼成分在裡邊,當然也替這部動畫電影帶來了絕佳的宣傳。

When you believe

原詞曲:by Stephen Schwartz and Hans Zimmer

Many nights we prayed 
With no proof anyone could hear 
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood

Now we are not afraid
Although we know theres much to fear 
We were moving mountains 
Long before we knew we could 
(Oh yes) 喔是的

There can be miracles when you believe 
當你相信 就能帶來神蹟
Though hope is frail its hard to kill 
儘管盼望微弱 卻難以滅絕
Who knows what miracles you can achieve 
When you believe, somehow you will 
當你相信 你就能行
You will when you believe 
當你相信 就能做到
(oh yeah) 喔 是的

End this time of fear 
When pray so often proves in vain 
Hope seems like the summer birds 
Too swiftly blown away 

Yet now im standing here 
My heart so full i cant explain 
Seeking faith and speaking words 
I never thought I'd say 
我從未想過我能開口 尋求信心為神發聲

There can be miracles when you believe (when you believe) 
只要相信 就能創造神蹟
Though hope is frail its hard to kill 
儘管盼望微弱 卻難以滅絕
Who knows what miracles you can achieve (you can acheive) 
祂明白你能行出神蹟 (能行神蹟)
When you believe, somehow you will 
當你相信 你就能行
You will when you believe 
只要相信 你就能行

They don't always happen when you ask 
And its easy to give in to your fears (oh) 
But when your blinded by your pain 
You can see your way though the rain 
All is stil, It's in your voice, 
It says hope is very near 
靜默之時祢的聲音 訴說盼望已然來臨

There can be miracles when you believe (when you believe) 
只要相信 就能創造神蹟
Though hope is frail its hard to kill 
儘管盼望微弱 卻難以滅絕
Who knows what miracles you can achieve (you can acheive) 
祂明白你能行出神蹟 (能行神蹟)
When you believe, somehow you will 
當你相信 你就能行
You will when you believe 
只要相信 你就能行
You will when you believe當你相信 你就能行
Just believe (2 times)... (oh yeah) 就是相信 單單相信 
You will when you believe只要相信 你就能行

2017年1月24日 星期二

想像,約翰 藍儂


Imagine there's no heaven (想像世上沒有天堂)
It's easy if you try (試試看那並不難)
No hell below us (地下也不存在地獄)
Above us only sky (在我們之上只有天空)
Imagine all the people (想像所有的人們)
Living for today (只為了今天而活)

Imagine there's no countries, (想像世上再無國界)
It isn't hard to do (那其實並不難)
Nothing to kill or die for (不再為了私利廝殺與死亡)
And no religion too (不再有宗教歧異)
Imagine all the people (想像所有的人們)
Living life in peace (生活在和平中)

You may say I'm a dreamer (你可以說我只在作夢)
But I'm not the only one (但我並不是唯一這樣想的人)
I hope some day you'll join us (我衷心期望有一天你會加入我們)
And the world will be as one (那麼世界大同那一日即將到來)

Imagine no possessions (想像人們不再累積財富)
I wonder if you can (我好期望你們都能做到)
No need for greed or hunger (不再因貪婪和饑渴而貪求)
A brotherhood of man (人與人間情同手足)
Imagine all the people (想像所有的人們)
Sharing all the world (共享這世界的一切)

You may say I'm a dreamer (你可以說我只在作夢)
But I'm not the only one (但我並不是唯一這樣想的人)
I hope some day you'll join us (我衷心期望有一天你會加入我們)
And the world will be as one (那麼世界大同那一日即將到來)

Imagine, John Lennon, "Imagine"1971